In der Sprache der "Gäste"

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Martin Krusche

... born 1956, works about 25 years as an artist and in cultural and educational business. Well experienced as an author, he is very interested in media-stuff.

Since the middle of the 80ies Krusche works with the new communication-technologies. His online-projects started with a *first class mailbox*. (Which no one else used in cultural kontext in Styria then.)

As founder of the former virtuelle akademie nitscha he deals consequent with theory and practice of those opportunities. And brings it on as the impresario of the web-area

His actual artistic options Krusche realizes in the kunstraum.gleisdorf. That means working in the analog and in the virtual space ... connecting both spaces.

Check out:
"a new digital instrument" (work in progress)
"telenovelas" (stories telling themselves)
"the vanished galery" (crossover)
krusches personal site


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