In der Sprache der
Zlatan Filipovic
Biography / Biographie:
Place of birth: Sarajevo, November, 13th 1973 / Geburtsort: Sarajewo, 13. Nov. 1973
Place where I live: Sarajevo, BiH / Wohnort: Sarajewo, BiH
Artist Education / künstlerische Ausbildung:
2001 Masters in Electronic Integrated Arts, Alfred University, NY, USA (1999/01)
2001 Diplom in Electronic Integrated Arts, Alfred University, NY, USA (1999/01)
1999 Graduated from painting department, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo
1999 Abschluss der Malerei-Klasse, Akademie der bildenden Künste in Sarajewo
1997 LENSB-a two semesters in multimedia ateliers (student exchange program)
1997 LENSB-(Studentenaustausch Programm) Zweisemestriger Kurs in einem Multimedia
1992 Graduated from School for Applied Arts, Sarajevo
1992 Abschluss der Schule für angewandte Kunst, Sarajewo |

Solo Shows / Einzelausstellungen:
April 14, 2001
Interactive Video Installation / interaktive Videoinstallation
Fosdick-Nelson Gallery
MFA exhibition
July 27, 2000: EKSPRES PREPORUCENO / SPECIAL DELIVERY, National Gallery of Bosnia and
Herzegovina / Nationalgalerie Bosnien - Herzegowina Installation work / Installation
1997: METRO, digital prints / Digitaldrucke, OSI-SGP Club des etudients boursiers, Paris
Group Shows / festivals (selection) / Gruppenausstellungen / Festivals (Auswahl):
May August 2002: MANIFESTA 4, Video program, ReStart video piece / Video
April 24-29, 2002: European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany, Video in selection /
Video - Auswahl "Emaesesaesesapipija / Mississippi"
December 17, 2001: Grace a HOZO, video installation / Videoinstallation
City Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo
August, 2001: "EMAESESAESESAPIPIJA / MISSISSIPPI", Video work, 7. Sarajevo Film
Festival, Insert Program
August, 2000: "IN TOUCH", Video work, 6. Sarajevo Film Festival, Insert Program
January, 2000: CEPA Gallery, Buffalo, NAPF-ART project
July, 1999: NAPF-ART, "Video Jam Session", Trubsachen, Swiss,
June, 1999: 19th BIENALLE OF YOUNG MEDITERANIAN ARTIST, Short Review of Modern History of
Art, video work Rome, Italy
September, 1998: VIDEO DIARY, Festival "Kunst Fabrik Fest 98", Burgdorf, Kunst
FabriK, Switzerland
SCCA - Sarajevo Second Annual Exhibition, "Beyound the Mirror", Sarajevo
B&H, "Kratki pregled savremene historije umjetnosti" - video in selection /
Video - Auswahl
Festival EXPONTO: Video "The road in between 97", Ljubljana, Slovenia
SCCA - Sarajevo First Annual Exhibition, "Meeting Point", Sarajevo, B&H,
"The road in between '97" (jury commendation / Empfehlung der Jury)
1995: THE BRIDGE (SARAJEVO - HOUSTON), Fax art project - Breaking the siege, International
Center for Peace, Sarajevo
1994: SARAJEVO MCMXCIV, City Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo B&H, transferred
to/übertragen nach: Gallery 60, Umea, Gallery Rotor, Getteborg, Sweden
Awards / Auszeichnungen:
2001 Award for young artists on 4th biennale of drawings, Mostar, BiH
2001 Auszeichnung für Junge Künstler bei der 4. Biennale für Malerei, Mostar BiH
1997 International Prix LVMH des Jeunes Creators 1996/97, "HOMMAGE A PICASSO",
Paris, France
1997 Internationaler Preis LVMH für junge Künstler 1996/97 "Hommage an
Picasso", Paris, Frankreich
1997 International Jury Special Commendation for video "The Road in Between '97"
at the SCCA-Sarajevo First Annual Exhibition "Meeting Point", Sarajevo, B&H
1997 Spezialempfhelung der internationalen Jury für das Video "The Road in Between
97" bei der ersten Jahresausstellung des SCCA "Meeting Point",
Sarajewo, BiH
Zlatan Filipovic
Maria Mikulica 37.
71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Herzegovina
Tel/fax: ++ 387 33 443871
Mob/Cell: ++ 387 61 181982 |